Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Moments of Heart-Warming Grace in a Cold Place

Being on the Daniel Fast these last three weeks has opened my eyes and my heart to so many things lately.  Although I have been a little frustrated with the lack of food selections and  have been a bit testy at times, I have been seeking the Word more and I've been seeing God's manifestation in so much of my daily life.  The winter months have been difficult for me emotionally over the past two years.  It was two years ago on January 28th 2011 that my husband called me from home and said that my mother passed out in the bathroom and was barely responsive.  She was rushed to the hospital and was put on a respirator immediately.  She never really responded to us at all and she passed away on March 1.  My memories of that time are still pretty fresh.  Days and nights at the hospital, staring at the machines, conversations with nurses and doctors who became fast friends in that time of crisis.  But one of the memories that I have is of my son's hockey team and their games.  There was a game that night of January 28th and my son was playing.  After spending the entire day at the hospital, Bryan and I went to the game.  I remembered how my mother loved to see my son play hockey, and  it felt good to resume that normal portion of my routine if only for one hour.  My hockey friends were there.  They hugged us, comforted us, and held our hands at that game.  It was freezing in there as it usually  is.  But I held onto those hugs and facial expressions of concern to get me through what was one of the toughest days I had ever experienced.

Fast forward to last night.  Another hockey game.  It was freezing.  We walked in and sat on the bleachers near our good friends Jane and Scott.  She looked a bit tired, but of course that was not unusual.  The JV games are at 8 and 9 PM.  Pajama time for us- the over 50 crowd.  Scott turned to us and said "  I wanted you to hear from us that Jane's mom passed away a few nights ago."  I was stunned and shattered for my friend. She couldn't even say the words and I know how that feels.  Her parents would have celebrated their 68th anniversary in a few short weeks.  So we huddled together.  The "hockey moms" surrounded our dear friend who told the story of her mom's passing in between time-outs, referee calls, and goals.  We held her hand as she talked about being in bed all day and only coming out for the game.  

So this is Grace.  The grace that God grants us in the most peculiar places.  The ice skating arena of all places is where we sat together with warm hearts, and sympathetic ears, wiping away tears.  I am so thankful for these public spaces that have become a place for us to share in life's good and bad times.  He shows us how life continues, no matter how difficult it is to be in that space of grief.  

2 Corinthians 1:4 says "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."  Thank you Lord for teaching me to comfort, the way I was comforted.  In the midst of a cold ice hockey rink.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here Goes...

It's been quite some time since I ventured into the blog world as myself.  I've done it for work and years ago for myself as a haughty African-American socialite.  Well those days are over and I am venturing into this world virtually naked.  No masks, no pretense, no co-author, just me. 

It honestly feels great.  I'm on a quest to share  my stories and to really find the joy/contentment in each day.  Right now I would typically be at church, but I have a laundry list of things to do today and The Holy Spirit spoke to me about taking time out to listen, reflect and create this blog.  I've been on The Daniel Fast with my church and my immediate family which has been eye-opening and caused me to search my soul and start talking about my journey. 

It sometimes sounds weird to refer to my life as a journey, but that's what it is.  These days I wake up and thank God and attempt to turn all of my thoughts and tasks over to him.  It is so daunting lately.  Not just the daily concerns over finances, my teenaged son, my young adult working (Hallelujah!!) daughter, my business venturing husband, etc., but my own fears about how do we keep it all going.  I find myself jumping ahead of the game.  I guess I'm trying to predict and control each move I make.  I know better.  But I'm human,  I'm working towards not controlling everything and everyone it my presence.  It makes me crazy and causes such confusion.  

Which leads me to my scripture for the day- "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints,"1 Corinthians 14:33.  If God is not the author, I need to put down the book!  So I am making another attempt, sitting here, to put down all of the junk and apprehension in my life.  I'm turning it over to you Lord.  I am reclaiming my Joy!